Sunday, March 31, 2024

Week 14: Grip & Growth

Fun Activity This Week:  Plant an indoor and/or outdoor garden, or volunteer at a community garden.  If this is the wrong time of year, you cannot afford a garden, you do not have the space for it, or you simply are not interested, buy fresh fruits, veggies, and/or herbs from the store and make a special dish with them just to see how much better fresh tastes than canned or dried. 

Week 14: Grip & Growth
Grip:  Be careful not to have too tight a grip on your spouse, or it could cause problems. 

Except for the times when I have a job, Mel and I are together twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This is our choice, and we would not have it any other way. We give each other the freedom to be apart; we simply do not like to be so. We miss each other even if it is only for an hour (or less). However, I would never stand in the way of his alone time. Due to a medical condition that makes it increasingly difficult to go for walks, I am not always able to join my husband. When I am unable, Mel and one of our dogs take walks without me, and I fully encourage this.

The first two years we lived in Idaho, one of Mel’s friends worked a hectic schedule and on his days off he wanted to spend time with his family (which he should). Therefore, when he was available, it was generally at the last minute. Sometimes we used to get together as a couple or with their children, but usually it was just the two men. I will admit it could be frustrating when our plans were interrupted without notice, but I never made Mel feel guilty for spending time with his friend. I would never think of tightening my grip by demanding he stay home.

Of course, there is a healthy balance to be realized here.  As I have mentioned before, your marriage partner always comes before anyone and anything else, so be certain your mate gets the biggest portion of your free time.

Mel says he never feels trapped with me and loves our time together. Yet, I also know most people need time away from their spouse (including my very social husband) no matter how much they love each other. Most people need fellowship. Mel needs it more than I do, as I have always been a homebody.  Around eleven years ago, Mel went fishing with a group of men from the church and they all had a wonderful time of Christian fellowship. When he came home, his eyes were glowing because he needed that time of refreshing.  He had a wonderful time and it made me happy to see him so elated! I even pray for Mel to find new Godly friends in our town with whom he can associate.

Some people need friendships and others need that and/or sports, or clubs, or whatever. Unless your mate neglects you so he/she can play, do not nag about a hobby he/she loves. Don’t you want to loosen your grip so your honey can be fulfilled and happy? Again, I realize there is a balance and I believe family always comes first, but please budget in time for your spouse to have fun. If you get lonely, use that time to be with your own friends or find your own hobby. When Mel is out, I use that time to read, write, cross-stitch, do something else artsy, work on word puzzles, bake, or do something less exciting like catch up on housework.

Loving your partner means giving him/her room to be happy away from you. I am so addicted to Mel that it is difficult to spend time away from him, but I would never, as I have seen some wives do, call him three times an hour to find out when he is coming home, or expect him to run errands for me while he is having fun with his buddies. I like to know where he is going and when he will be home (I believe spouses need to be accountable to each other and let each other be fully aware of all plans), and I only call him if he is late, and I worry that he is safe. I never tighten my grip by telling him he must drop everything and come home. Nor do I put any kind of time limit when he talks to his friends on the phone.

I also need to mention that we NEVER take advantage of our time away from each other by using that time to do something you would not normally do in from if your spouse. This is NOT giving your partner permission to cheat or for you to find an excuse to cheat (this includes flirting and watching filthy movies). Don't have two personalities, one with your mate and one with your buddies. No one wants to be married to a hypocrite or phony. Be true to yourself and your convictions because even if your spouse cannot see you, Jesus always sees you, and He WILL hold you responsible for all your actions! 

And you know what, the more freedom you give, the more your lover will want to be with you. The more you nag, or make each other feel guilty, the more he/she will want to get away or resent you for expecting him/her to stay home all the time. This perception became very apparent to me after just a few months of marriage, so trust me on this one! Ever hold a dog or cat? The tighter the hold, the more he wants to get away from you. But loosen your grip, and he will relax and want to stay in your arms forever. Same concept here. Give your mate someone he/she wants to come home to, and your honey will miss you (even when having fun) as much as you miss him/her! 

Growth:  As soon as Mel and I became engaged, I started reading marriage books written by well-known marriage experts.  However, I kept reading some very negative “facts.”  Several of these authorities on successful marriages were very discouraging.  I remember feeling a sense of foreboding when reading some of these books.  The common thread was that the romantic love would change, and I would settle into marriage loving my husband, but not necessarily still in love.  And certainly not madly in love even six months later, and definitely not after a year.  It was very disheartening believing that my wonderful love story was going to go downhill sometime shortly after our honeymoon.  There were sure to be fights, lots and lots of fights as we learned to adjust to living together.  We would soon grow bored with each other as the novelty of seeing each other every day would wear off quickly.  We would want to spend time apart more and more often and seek out individual hobbies.  Even the fire would sizzle in the bedroom.  I may even become tempted to cheat.  In other words, do not bother to hope for love to grow or flourish past the six-month mark of marriage. 

            After I read these books, I went to my then-fiancĂ© and told him what I had read.  Mel assured me this would not happen if you married the right person – the one God intends for you to marry – your perfect match and soul mate.  When you marry for no other reason than love, you can guarantee your love will grow.

Well, I am here to tell you, Mel was absolutely right, and those supposed experts were wrong!  My life with Mel has only gotten more and more romantic and passionate and our bond has only grown stronger.  We rarely ever fight and even when we do, we are very good at communicating and working things out.  We become more addicted to one another and fall deeper in love.  We are still as inseparable now as we were more almost twelve years ago.  I have never once stopped loving my precious husband and I never cease admiring his handsome face. I feel more blessed every day. 

            It was reading those books (and viewing Facebook pages of other experts) that inspired me to write my own blog to encourage people that marriage can be wonderful, romantic, and blissful no matter how long you are married.  There does not ever have to be an end to feelings you experience when you are courting and falling in love.  It simply evolves to a higher level, not decreases to a lower one.

            In 2013, my supervisor wanted me to take on extra hours, but I told her I would have to check with my husband before taking on any more shifts at work.  I told her that we always talk things over before making decisions.  She said, in a very condescending tone, “That will change.”  Usually, I believe in respecting my superiors, but this angered me, so I quickly shot back, “No, it will not.  My husband and I are partners, and we discuss everything.  That will not change.”  Of course, I did not get a reply.

So, in other words, please do not listen to the negative opinions of others who say marriage will change and even imply you will cease respecting each other’s opinions.  There is absolutely no reason for your love to shrink, and when you practice the principles of The Bible, your love will always grow.

Marriage-Enhancing Ideas for the Week: 
Grip:  Are you giving your mate enough freedom to have fun without you, or is your grip so tight he/she wants to get away from you?  If your spouse has a hobby you do not enjoy, show your support by buying an inexpensive gift that represents that interest.  Golf balls for golf, sewing supplies for a quilting retreat, etc.  Show you do not resent outside appropriate friendships by showing an interest in all time spent with friends.  You could even make lunch for an outdoor event, or snacks for an indoor event.  
Growth:  Does your marriage feel stagnant?  Are you truly putting forth the effort or just going through the motions?  This week find something the two of you can do together that will strengthen your bond.  Find a fun activity to do that will spark old flames such as something you may have done while you were dating. For us, often just getting away from the house (such a s going to the park or to the ocean) and simply having a great conversation makes us feel more bonded.

Art Project Option:  As a symbol of showing your spouse you are willing to put the time and effort into your marriage to assure growth, create a pot of flowers.  You can simply buy a potted plant (ones that will last a long time) or create a beautiful bouquet that will never die.  Depending on your budget and creative skills, you could buy silk flowers and arrange them yourself, or create ones out of yarn, or even multi-colored and multi-patterned paper (it does not have to be 3-D).  You could use pipe cleaners, yarn, or paper for the stems.  If you like to draw, you could color or paint a beautiful bouquet and frame it.  You can write on the flowers or the pot words that express your commitment.  For example, you could write things such as, “love, romance, commitment, fun,” or “togetherness,” or a phrase such as, “Our love grows more beautiful with every passing day.”   

Friday, March 29, 2024

Week 13 Fun Activity



This week's fun activity was to play an indoor or outdoor game with your spouse and/or children. Here are some of our favorite games we will play this week. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Week 13 Art Project

This week's art project was to create anything you chose using the scripture verse Numbers 6:24-26, "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."  If you would like to see the video on this art project you can see it on the Facebook page as it will not load onto Blogger. (Or you can use the link on the right side of this web site).

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Week 13: Generous & Gracious

Fun Activity This Week:  Play any kind of indoor and/or outdoor game.  If you both have a different favorite, then play both.  Computer games are fine too as long as you play together!  And whether you win or lose, remember to be sportsmanlike!
Week 13: Generous & Gracious
Generous:  Be generous not only with your time, but with yourself as well.  Give your spouse the first pickings, not the leftovers.  In addition, as a couple, it is good to be generous and giving to others in need. 

My husband and I are firm believers in being generous.  Even when we are financially struggling ourselves, we can still find a way to help with our time or other resources. Yet, when it comes to being generous, it is very true that "Charity Begins at Home," or for the sake of this blog, "Generosity Begins at Home."  In other words, as I stated two weeks ago, take care of each other first and make everyone and everything second.

Being generous is more than just giving money or material items, especially when it comes to marriage.  Generosity involves giving of yourself.  This includes, but is not limited to time, listening, and romantic time.
Love suffers long and is kind... does not seek its own.  I Corinthians 13:4-5

Being generous with your spouse is, very simply put, an act of kindness.  When you place working extra hours, driving the kids to a thousand different places, making sure the house is in perfect order, or spending time with friends over spending time with your mate, you are sending a very clear message that he/she is not that important to you.  You are making your marriage a bottom priority and that is treading on dangerous ground.
The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:25
Being generous goes beyond giving of time, it also means being generous with your ears.  My husband has always been a good listener.  He even asks questions when he does not understand something, and he can quote facts back to me months and years later.  When your wife wants to tell you a long, boring story about how she obtained and cared for a sick cat, do your very best to listen.  She is telling you these things because she loves you, trusts you, sees you as her best friend, and wants you to know every little detail about her life.  This also means she feels the same about you.  She wants to know about every job you have ever held and what you did there, about your childhood, about the sports you like, but probably only minimal information about past relationships (just being honest).  

It is a myth that men do not care about what their wives have to say or that women only want to talk about girly things.  Most people are not so shallow and when you truly love someone, you find everything they want to share with you fascinating and only want to know more.  If your spouse is not willing to spend at least an hour a day (at the very, very least) chatting with you, you need to fix that ASAP.  A big part of marriage is simply spending time together talking and creating that sense of security and bonding on an emotional level.  Marriages that do not have as such tend to end in affairs because one or the other will crave someone to listen to them and make them feel special and validated.  If this is unfamiliar territory, start small, and with easy topics.  You can even buy cards that give you topics to discuss with your spouse (or read the  list of questions I have posted on this blog called "Conversations of Love").  Be generous with your ears now and you may very likely prevent a disastrous future.

And of course, everyone has heard the term "generous lover.”  More than eleven years into our marriage and our sex life has never diminished, so this has never been an issue with us, but for a lot of couples one wants sex more often than the other does.  There is such a thing as compromise.  Set a specified number of days a week aside for romance and do not break your appointments.  If this is an area in your marriage in need of help, do not be afraid to seek outside assistance.  Be respectful of one another and not demanding of your wants but remember to be generous with your body.  If you are not, and there certainly is NEVER a good excuse for an affair, he/she just may find someone else who will give him/her the time of day if you will not.

Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I Corinthians 7:3-5

Gracious:  Just as I mentioned under the letter "A" that apologizing is essential to a healthy marriage, equally important is being gracious enough to accept an apology from your mate.  II Corinthians 13:5 reminds that love “keeps no record of wrongs” (NIV).  

Being gracious with your spouse can include things such as how you handle an argument.  Proverbs 19:11 says, “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression” (see also Proverbs 15:18 & 16:32).  Take time to cool down and think rationally before you respond.  Be quick to forgive just as you would wish him/her to forgive you.  

Being gracious also includes the way you treat your spouse.  Do not find fault in every little thing he/she does.  Do not be petty.  Learn to let the small things go.  In the grand scheme of things, focus on what really matters.  Squeezing the toothpaste tube in what you consider the wrong place is not a big deal when you hone in on the fact that your honey loves you.  

As I have mentioned before, Mel and I rarely argue.  In the almost twelve years we have been married we have had maybe half a dozen major fights.  I have read that most couples horribly fight during their first one to two years as they learn to adjust to married life together.  If they do not take this trial period as a learning experience, they may never to learn to compromise or forgive; this may become dangerous pattern that may never change as long as they are married. Of course, I am not saying Mel and I are perfect, but our relationship has been special and unique since day one.  Our shouting arguments have been very few and the majority of our disagreements are minor.  If a major fight, we step away and cool down. The time it takes for apologizes is usually within an hour or two, no matter how angry we had been, and then a gracious acceptance of forgiveness on both sides. 

With that said, I do not write this  on a self-righteous or judgmental level.  Therefore, I  humbly write this particular week based on mistakes I have made and will try never to repeat.  Here are some tips on how to practice a gracious attitude when involved in a fight with your spouse.

The worst thing you can do is to threaten divorce and/or remove your wedding ring.  This is such a devastating and hurtful thing to do to your spouse.  You know in your heart of hearts that you do not want to truly be separated from the love of your life.  Do not attempt to make a devasting permanent choice due to a temporary argument.
For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the Lord of hosts.  Malachi 2:16
This is another thing I think is an important issue to bring up when in the heat of battle: admit to what you are really feeling.  I know it is not easy to make yourself vulnerable and admit when you are afraid, but let's face it, in the long run, admitting to fear instead of lashing out in anger will save a lot of hard feelings later on.  

And this, of course, leads to being always being honest.  This may be scary sometimes, but if you cannot be honest with your spouse about everything, you are going to have a rocky marriage.  Make up your mind from day one always to be honest even if you think the truth will hurt.  Trust me, lies hurt so much worse.
Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.  Psalm 34:13
Always apologize.  Kiss and make up and ask for forgiveness.  Be sincere in your apology and accept an apology.  

I know there are many other issues I could mention, but I will leave it at one last thing: do not ever accuse your spouse of something you know is not true just to avoid the real issue or to take the heat off your mistake.  

So He said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely."  Luke 3:14
Marriage-Enhancing Ideas for the Week:
Generous:  Do not be stingy with your time this week.  Just as you did for the word “first,” say no to obligations that take you away from your spouse.  Be generous with your time, your listening skills, and with romantic time.  If you need to create a schedule for intimate time, have fun with it.  Draw big hearts or happy faces (or use stickers) on the calendar in your bedroom or draw a provocative picture the morning of your tryst and place it in on your lover’s pillow as a reminder for what is to come (or draw it on the mirror with dry erase marker that easily wipes off with a paper towel).
Gracious:  Is there anything you are refusing to forgive?  Any old (or even recent) grudges you are festering?  Pray and ask God this week to help you let go of these issues.  Talk things out as needed, there may even be a misunderstanding that can clear up hurt feelings.  If something serious has occurred such as an affair, and you wish to save your marriage, please seek counseling to help you let go of the past. 

Art Project Idea:  Who is more gracious than the Lord?  No one!  Write or print off the words to Numbers 6:24-26, "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace."  There are several options on how you can use this verse.  Draw a picture of your spouse (or of the two of you together if you so choose), with a bright sun shining on him/her (to represent God’s face shining on your loved one) and use these verses as a header for the artwork.  You could also use a photograph (or multiple photos) and create a scrapbook-type page using bright colors and these verses.  Or you could simply write or computer print the words without a drawing or photos.  Whatever you choose, frame it so you can remember to pray for blessings and peace for your honey and follow God’s example and be gracious to your spouse.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Week 12 Fun Activity

The activity this week was to, "Take photos of yourselves making funny faces." Here is our funny photo!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Week 12 Short Video

Here is a photo of the "Favorites List" game we played.  And I did learn something new: I learned my hubby's favorite flowers are sunflowers!


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Week 12: Fruitful & Fun

Fun Activity This Week:  Take photos of yourselves making funny faces.  If you want to show your family & friends what a fun-loving couple you are, post the funny photos on Facebook or other social media, or just save them for yourselves.
Week 12Fruitful & Fun
Fruitful:  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.  Galatians 5:22-23

When we display the fruits of the spirit, we automatically invite a spirit of harmony into our home.  Although this is a rich subject and could easily be a separate book, I have summed up very briefly on how to bring these fruits into your married life.

Love:  The root of all the other actions is love.  Think of it as the tree that grows all the other fruits from its magnificent branches.  When you love your mate, your actions will (or should) reflect your feelings.  For when your love is sincere, you care more about your partner’s happiness than your own, and you would never do anything to cause your honey harm. 

Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them.  Matthew 7:12

Joy:  Having joy does not mean life is all sunshine and roses. For more than four years Mel and I were renters in a home where only the boiler worked in the oven, the sink leaked so bad that the kitchen became flooded every time I washed dishes, the dryer only blew cold air, and the water heater went out during our last two years there!  Yes, it was the property owner’s responsibility to fix these things, but we learned the first year that he would go up on the rent any time he was forced to make repairs, and we were too poor to fix them ourselves.  Of course, there were times we fumed over these issues.  Yet we learned to focus on the positive and find joy everywhere else.  Number one, we had the love of and for the Lord, and we had each other.  We could continue to count all of our blessings and find joy even while sloshing across the kitchen floor and taking ice cold showers! And now we rejoice because, in April 2019, God granted our desire and we moved to our own house!  

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  Philippians 4:4 & 11-12 (NIV)

Peace:  As with joy, we can have peace even when all seems to be going against us.  I can declare this with all certainty as I had two different kinds of cancer in 2023 and yet was filled with God's peace through it all. I see having peace as being synonymous with having faith.  When you place your marriage in God’s hands and trust that He is in control of it all, you can be filled with peace even in the midst of the storm.  Whenever one or both of us are facing anxiety, we pray the following over one another:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7 

Longsuffering:  To be longsuffering in marriage means we are to find patience and forgiveness with our spouse.  More on this next week.  We need to let go of the small things and seek professional help for the larger ones. 

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Matthew 6:14-15

Kindness: Being kind is more than just being nice when everything is going great.  We should strive to be kind even when we have had a bad day and not take out our negative attitude on our mate.  Being kind is also showing compassion for what your honey is going through.  

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Goodness: What does being a good spouse mean to you?  Treat your loved one the way you wish to be treated and not demand perfection from each other.  When you say to a child, “be good,” you are essentially telling him to behave and not cause trouble.  When you follow the principles of The Bible, you are certain to be a good spouse

Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  Matthew 7:17

Faithfulness:  In context of the Bible, faithfulness has to do with faithfulness to God and living a clean life, which is vital to a joyful marriage, but for the sake of this blog I will also use it in the context of faithfulness in marriage. As I wrote last week, being a faithful partner is God’s command for all marriages.  There is NEVER an excuse to cheat.

You shall not commit adultery.  Exodus 20:14

Gentleness:  Being gentle does not equate weakness.  Being tender and gentle when your spouse is hurting turns you into a very powerful rock for your mate.  Being gentle when disagreements arise will make you an immovable force of wisdom.   

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all.  II Timothy 2:24

Self-Control: There are numerous ways in which we can exercise self-control: in sexual perversion, in temperament, and even in our spending habits.  When you think only of what pleases you and do not worry how your actions affect others, you are lacking self-control, in other words, you are being self-centered and selfish.  When you refuse to give in to wrong behaviors, you are showing respect for your spouse and therefore, being a selfless partner.  

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:5-8 

Fun:   It is important to take time out for fun.  Life can be so serious and draining, that it is essential to the health of your marriage to stop to release tensions.  Yes, sex is the most wonderful way to do this, but there are many other ways to have fun as well.  Play indoor or outdoor games, go for walks, have a picnic, etc.  Start a new hobby together or learn a new skill together.  Take time out to laugh every single day and even when times are tough, you will still find a smile on your faces!   

One of the best qualities you can have in a marriage is a sense of humor. Mel and I love to laugh, and we have such a great time. The second day we knew each other we went to the Idaho Historical Museum, and we had the best time! It was where I learned he had a very goofy sense of humor exactly like mine. We had so much fun looking at old photographs and making up what we thought the people were thinking when the photos were taken. We were laughing so hard I thought we were going to be kicked out! Truly, after that date I felt this was a man I could marry because I knew we would always have a great time laughing. 

He who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.  Proverbs 15:15

We have many silly inside jokes together and have fun creating crazy stories. It is fun to surprise each other with silliness like romantic "sneak kiss attacks" and such. Just be careful you still respect each other’s space and if you are into practical jokes, be sure no one gets hurt physically or emotionally and know where each other's boundaries lie. 

A cheerful heart does good like medicine. Proverbs 17:22

We often say we are both silly and romantic (sometimes at the same time), so we say we are "sillantic!" Being goofy together is a bonding experience and makes you feel closer because you know you can trust the other one to be yourself and let your hair down, and therefore, adds to great romance! Especially when you are laughing and relaxed in your lover's arms!

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance. Proverbs 15:13

Seven months into our marriage, I took a bunch of photos one night when I was feeling extra silly and just started snapping pictures of Mel at weird angles. I even said, "I hope I'm not driving you crazy by being so goofy." But he gave me a big, beautiful smile and said he loved the fun side of me! Do not be afraid to let loose and be silly with each other. It is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Marriage-Enhancing Ideas for the Week: 

Fruitful:  Bearing good fruit for the Lord’s sake is pleasing to our Creator as our first goal in life is to please Him.  When we learn to practice good works for our Lord, it will naturally spill over into our marriage.

Art Project Option:  Make a tree out of scrapbook or construction paper, or just draw and color one.  Draw either all the same fruits or a variety of them and write a separate fruit of the spirit on each one: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  (Note: Using patterned scrapbook paper makes for a unique and pretty tree; you can use stickers or stencils for the words.)  Then glue the fruits onto the tree.  Hang this tree somewhere you are sure to read them every day.  When you peruse your tree each day, take time out for self-examination and ask yourself where you succeeded and where you could do better.

The first time I made this, I hand drew it onto an insert from a pizza box because I was out of glue.  We were going through a time of self-realization that we both tended to be too critical of others, so we were (and still are) working on being more positive in our conversations.   I made the tree and fruits with markers and coloring pens and hung it on our living room wall where we could see it as we talked throughout the day.  There were indeed times I was being too negative, I would look over and see the words on the fruits, and I would immediately change my attitude and the topic of conversation to better reflect the fruits of God’s Spirit.     

Fun:  Lighten up!  Laugh a lot! Do something fun you have been yearning to do but felt too old or self-conscious to do.  Fly a kite, play in mud puddles, play miniature golf, eat foods you think are only for kids, or just hang out in your pajamas all day!   Old-fashioned “grown up” fun can also be enjoyable such as playing board games, having a nice meal, or taking a day off from work to snuggle with your sweetie all day!     

Week 7 Short Video