Sunday, December 8, 2024

Week 50: Yours & Youthful

Fun Activity This Week: Relive the joys of your youth and have fun!  See also the marriage-enhancing tip for this week.

Week 50: Yours & Youthful

Yours:  When you get married, you belong to one another.  You are accountable to and responsible for one another.  Mel, I am yours, and you are mine. 

Of course, we are not property in the literal sense, but when you take wedding vows before God, you are declaring that you are willing to look out for one another and never betray one another.   

Genesis 2:24 says that we become "one flesh" when we marry, which means we treat our spouses exactly as we would expect to be treated.  If you do not want him using a sarcastic tone with you, then do not use one with him.  If the idea of him cheating on you makes you sick, then why would you ever cheat on him?  I think you get the idea.

The number one most precious gift you have is your salvation, but right behind that is your marriage.  Treat it as you would any other precious item in your life.  Protect and respect what is yours!

My beloved is mine, and I am his.  Song of Solomon 2:16

Youthful:  Since I have fallen in love with Mel, I feel more youthful.  Before I met Mel, I used to say I was thirty-nine years old going on seventy; I felt much older than my years.  However, after I met Mel and we fell head over heels in love, I was thirty-nine going on twenty!  The old saying that being in love makes one feel like a kid again really happened with me!  

In spite of the fact that I am actually in worse physical shape since getting married in 2012, I feel as if I am in better mental health since getting married, I am typically in a much better mood than when I was single!  Being in love and being overwhelmingly happy has truly made me feel like a much younger woman.  I thank God for a husband who makes me feel so alive!

Being married means you have an automatic partner to help you get into spiritual as well as physical shape.  You can encourage one another and hold each other accountable. 

When you remind yourselves that you want each other forever, this will motivate you to take good care of yourselves and stay youthful.  Losing weight for health reasons is a better motivator than for vanity’s sake and the end results have to do with being happy not being a certain dress size.  It is painful for me to exercise, but I still try to go for walks with my hubby, even short ones. Or I choose indoor exercises designed for my condition when the weather is bad. Staying active sometimes helps to keeps the pain at bay. Sometimes it makes it the pain worse, but I press on anyway because the chance of less pain means more fun with Mel!

You can also stay young at heart by having fun.  Play games together and do not make life all about bills and chores.  Enjoy life as responsible adults but live as kids in your hearts and you will have the best of both worlds!     

Marriage-Enhancing Idea for the Week:  

Yours:  What can you do this week to show your mate you are his and he is yours?

Art Project Idea:  I mentioned Song of Solomon 2:16 above.  If you go back to verse 4 it says, his banner over me was love.”  Just as you did in week 42, create another banner.  It can be any shape, and not necessarily like a sports pendant.  Use the words from verse 16 (or you could use verse 4 or both verses); print them out on the computer, embroider them, cut them out of paper, or just hand write them, and place them on your choice of banner.  You could make it out of felt, paper, or cardboard.  My suggestion is to hang this over your bedroom door (inside or out) as a reminder that you belong to one another in every single way!  

Youthful:  Do something together you did as kids.  Skip rocks at the lake, jump in mud puddles, play with silly putty, or anything that makes you laugh and feel young!  We have no children still love playing children’s board games.  A word of caution though, if you are past a certain age, fight the urge to climb a tree again (unless it has a safe ladder and/or is an adult-friendly tree house) or anything else that may cause injury.  A trip to emergency room will cancel out the free-spirited fun you are trying to have!

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