Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Week 24 Art Project


This week's art project was to: "Make a train out of cardboard or any other material (I made mine 2D, but you could make one 3D) with an engine that has a unique title.  This can be reimagined in many ways.  You can use any type of paper instead of cardboard.  You can print pictures of trains and the items that go in the boxcars from the internet rather than drawing.  You could even buy a toy train and fill the cars with miniatures to represent your unique love. I chose the train theme because Mel collects trains, but you could use any symbol you like that is unique to your marriage such as cars, wagons, or just plain boxes."

As always, you can view the video that goes with this art project on the Facebook page (click or tap the Facebook cover photo on the right side of this blog site.)

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Week 7 Short Video